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Global Learning Courses
Japan and the US INR 3223
I took this class while I was studying abroad in Asia. It was the best thing I could have done. I was able to relate with what I was learning. Even though I was not in Japan, I was very close to it and China, which is a country that has a lot of history related to Japan. I was able to adapt the information from my class and apply it to conversations with people who lived through that part of history and that are knowledgeable about the topic.
Contemporary International Problems INR 3081
I also took this course while I was studying abroad in Asia. It was amazing to be aware of information from a different angle of the world. This class was very important for me because it created a habit in me to stay very informed about what is happening in the world, not only political news, which is what people tend to focus on, but also be aware of other issues that created bonds between countries.
Societies of the World SYD 4451
As a culture lover, this class was amusing and informational in every way possible. It was the first Global Learning Course I took and it really dove deep into me. It made me change my perspective of many cultures and created an academic passion for me.
Authoritarians Politics CPO 3055
This class was very interesting to understand authoritarian governments and finding ways to identify them before they occur, along with creating a skill to maintain a political view. I am from Venezuela, a country recently going through a tough political time. Venezuela has had 20 years of an authoritarian government that has destroyed the country. It is important to me to understand how these governments develop and why are they successful in persevering.
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